Community Contributions
We care about our clients but we also care about those less fortunate in our community, including our furry friends, and we care about our environment. From our Shoes to Use “shoe recycling” program, community contributions, donations to the local humane society and our office recycling program, Kopec Insurance is happy to make a difference!
In 2009 Kopec Insurance launched Shoes to Use. The “shoe recycling” campaign assists those who could use a little help.
“We collect, deliver and donate shoes that are in great condition to those who need them more”, said Brian Kopec. “Our efforts have been very successful providing hundreds of shoes to children and adults that otherwise may be wearing shoes that don’t fit, are worn out or they just can’t afford a new pair as a result of their particular situation”, continues Kopec. Inspiration came from a visit to a homeless shelter. “People of all ages were looking for assistance. Parents were wearing shoes that had seen better days and children wore shoes that simply didn’t fit”, said Kopec. Many people simply throw their “like new” shoes away when they think they’re out of style or when their kids quickly outgrow them after wearing them a few times. Sometimes shoes find their way to a local Goodwill where they are resold. Kopec Insurance wanted to make them available to others at no cost. Shoes to Use gives everyone a chance to feel a little better. Continued Brian, “Shoes get us where we are going in life and if your shoes don’t feel good, then you don’t feel good. People need to feel good.”. Kopec Insurance collects sneakers, dress shoes, sandals and other comfortable shoes that are clean and in great condition. Take a look around, you might just have an extra pair sitting in your closet that someone else might benefit from!
Brian Kopec was appalled by the condition of a local skate park so he grabbed the bull by the horns to get the park cleaned up, graffiti removed, skate ramps repaired and repainted and develop a short term plan with the county administration that ultimately led to a full replacement of ramps and expansion of the park. After presentations to the County Commissioners and Administrators the process of improvement was up and running! From a run-down, graffiti covered park to a newly created skate park attraction with numerous new ramps and features Brian’s vision of seeing it become a destination for the youth is realized!
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Hundreds of cats and dogs wait for that perfect home at a local Humane Society. Many animal shelters struggle from lack of support, funding and even lack of cat and dog food. The team at Kopec Insurance provides bags of cat food and supplies as well as $250 donations to local animal shelters. We are happy to help the local Humane Society as our furry friends wait for their perfect new home!
While spending time by the pier watching his son surf the owner of Kopec Insurance took note of the overall general condition of the pier’s surrounding area. What he saw was a less than desirable appearance for residents and visitors. Brian spoke to City officials to lay out a plan to get the overall appearance improved by coordinating a volunteer effort through Kopec Insurance. From cleaning and brightening the landmark’s rooftop signage, cleaning years of grime from the sidewalks, getting the picnic tables repainted and their rooftops renovated along with other improvements, Brian was happy to see beachgoers enjoy a better amenity at the iconic location. “It all started with just looking around and taking the first step towards making change happen.” said Brian.
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Kopec Insurance strives to help our environment and keep our beaches and oceans clean. Internally, the office does simple things such as recycling every sheet of paper that is printed in error by converting them into notepads, the office reduces the use of paper by electronically attaching or sending documents rather than printing them out whenever possible, faxing electronically directly from our computers rather than printing then feeding pages into a fax machine and encouraging clients to sign up for paperless delivery of policy documents. Our office distributes reusable grocery bags to clients to use when shopping to minimize the need for typical plastic grocery bags, we particpate in beach and trail clean-ups and we’ve switched to reusable thermoses in place of buying bottled water. Simple things can make a huge impact. “Why bring your groceries home, throw away the bag and then go out and buy a bag of similar size for a small trashcan? Why go out and buy note pads when there’s always a blank side to a sheet on the back that can be used for notes? It’s a waste.”, says owner, Brian Kopec. Simple changes are right in front of us every day and every little bit helps!
Chamber of Commerce Board Member
Brian Kopec provided his time to serve and give back to the local business community while serving as a Director on the Palm Coast Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors for two terms. He provided his broad vision and unique point of view as a life-long entrepreneur and local business owner to the Board of Directors and also to the business community at large as part of his efforts to see the other entrepreneurs and the community be successful.
From spearheading community improvements, providing donations, giving insight and guidance to the local business community, volunteering for numerous community organizations or making monetary contributions to help our furry friends, the team at Kopec Insurance is proud to give back to the community.